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13 Feb 2014

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MAROS - PERISKAPURA stands for Unity Wife Angkasa Pura I Employees. Previously the name of Dharma Wanita PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero), but since 18 October 2000 changed its name to PERISKAPURA I (Union employees ' wives Angkasa Pura I), and eventually became a day of birth of PERISKAPURA i. PERISKAPURA since then engaged in social organizations in favour of the husband as an employee of PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) in order to increase the welfare and the knowledge intellect wives/employees. On 14-16 January 2014, Annual meeting of PERISKAPURA held in Makassar to discuss performance issues during the year 2013 and work plan for the year 2014. Participants of the annual meeting was attended by the Board of Trustees and the entire Center PERISKAPURA PERISKAPURA branch (1 branch) in Indonesia including the PERISKAPURA branch of the Makassar Hasanuddin international airport as the hosts (organizers) annual meeting. (RPM).