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The Land Transport Operation Control in Sultan Hasanuddin Makassar Airport

12 May 2016

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MAKASSAR - For the security realization in the area of Sultan Hasanuddin Airport in Makassar, PT. Angkasa Pura I held Land Transport Operations Control. This activity involved several agencies such as the Air Force BKO Sultan Hasanuddin Air Base, POM AU Sultan Hasanuddin Air Base, Maros Resort Police, Sector Police Sultan Hasanuddin Airport, the Department of Land Transport Makassar City Government and the Airport Authority Region V Makassar.

Mr. Sugiono as the Security Department Head of PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) Branch Intl Airport Sultan Hasanuddin said clearly the target of this operation, "Operation Target of Land Transport Control is controlling the taxi and both legal and illegal rent car located in SHIAM"

Activities held for 7 days ago (11-17 May 2016) was very helpful in improving airport services, especially in the land transport services in Sultan Hasanuddin International Airport. Until now, there are three (3) types of land transport services contained in SHIAM, namely taxis, rent car, and DAMRI.

During Operation Control, an increase in the official taxi operator services and rent car which was held before this operation, one cab/official rent car can load and unloading of passengers only once a day, but for curbing an increase of 2 to 3 times a day to fit in.

Operation Control will be conducted regularly to reduce illegal taxis and/or rent car which have disturbed the service users in SHIAM. SHIAM management together with the relevant authorities hope there are no more illegal taxis and / or rent car illegal operation. Therefore, for the sake of convenience and ease of travel, the passengers are also encouraged not to use illegal taxis, in order to maintain the level of service at the airport.

And in the end, there were 9 reported illicit transport vehicles or wild taxis where the follow-up process with a speeding ticket and detained vehicles which delegated directly to the Police Maros.